What's so sexy about the new Lumia 920? Nokia chief designer Marko Ahtisaari points to the Windows smartphone's natural ability to fuse what is both physical and digital, creating an advance device that remains in touch with being 'human and organic'.

In a Nokia video posted on YouTube, Mr Ahtisaari takes pride on the Lumia 920's solid build that has maintained a very human factor that users would think "it could have grown out of nature, grown out of a tree rather than coming off the production line."

The rock-solid Corning glass screen, the ceramic control buttons and the tapered-off back cover may feel too chunky as some reviews have asserted but for Nokia, these engineering feats reflect the handset's key design of delivering the best of what is now and what is ahead.

The Lumia 920 is forward-looking, Mr Ahtisaari said, and the best proof of that is the phone's capability to produce blur-free and stabilised clips and images - all thanks to the PureView camera technology that Nokia paired with Carl Zeiss lens.

This Nokia 8.7MP camera shooter "delivers superb low-light performance and effective optical stabilization across stills and video," Engadget said in a review last month though it also noted that the 920 as a stand-alone camera was far from perfect.

Further training its look to the future, Nokia also made sure that consumers would be pampered with utmost convenience on the Lumia flagship phone, with its cutting-edge wireless technology able to accommodate connection-free charging and audio-listening.

"If you're listening music on (Lumia 920) you want to continue with (a compatible) speaker on your home, you just touch (the phone) on the speaker and the music continues playing," Mr Ahtisaari said.

Life is easier with the Windows-powered Lumia 920, which he added "arguably has the most personal smartphone interface there is."

And when lined up against the latest crop of WP8 handsets, the Lumia 920 is a clear winner, CNET said, "based on feature set alone ... (making it) the all-around most powerful Windows Phone," to date.

"We've created an amazing balance between the physical and the digital in (the Lumia 920) that really forms one kind of harmony," Mr Ahtisaari said of his latest product creation that has been running out of supply lately.