Nokia is set to roll out software updates for the Lumia 920 this December, which mainly are configured to fix issues on the Windows-phone handset's camera technology.

Taking on to Twitter this week, Nokia said that in conjunction with Microsoft, it "will be releasing a SW (software) update this month," to correct the reported problems that bug both the 920's inherent functions and some key features that came with the recently issued Windows Phone 8.

The firmware patch, dubbed PR1.0, will hopefully address complaints of fuzziness and inconsistencies on pictures taken with the Lumia 920's camera shooter, raising some doubts on the real capabilities of PureView camera technology, which Nokia said is one the main selling points of its new flagship smartphone.

According to Engadget, all the hypes that Nokia has been peddling about PureView, which boasts of optical image stabilisation (OIS), are mainly true save for some key concerns.

"While the OIS was performing as advertised, most photos we took suffered from an obvious lack of detail, an annoying fuzziness or softness ... We also experienced problems with inconsistent white balance and exposure," Engadget said.

But with the PR1.0 update on the way, the 920 camera glitch is mostly corrected, the tech site said, citing sample pics taken on a patched Lumia. You can view Engadget's gallery here:, to fully appreciate the purported improvement.

Also, to be dispatched with the update are fixes that will give the Lumia 920 more stability and vast improvements on web browsing and LTE connectivity, Nokia said.

On Microsoft's part, the software giant assured that these initial corrective measures for the WP8 will surely touch on nagging issues that recently emerged. Owners of the Lumia 920 and HTC Windows Phone 8x have logged complaints of declining calls by SMS, random reboots and funky email syncing.

WP8 will be snappier once the patch has been installed, Microsoft said.

Nokia indicated that U.S-based owners of the Lumia 920 will get the initial flurry of the firmware correction, advising its Twitter followers that "we'll announce from here when available."