Christmas is around the corner. People are ready to celebrate the festival with Christmas tree, eggnog, socks, lights and snowmen. Also, red is a significant colour during the Christmas season. Recently, Norman Reedus posted a photo on his Instagram page giving the "red" festive colour a whole new definition. He posted a photograph of snowmen covered in red perhaps, blood. Welcome to "The Walking Dead" way of Christmas. Run, snowman, run.

Check out the photo here.

No gunshots please! We will only invite more ugly-looking snowmen walkers. The photograph features five, no wait, one sane snowman and four snow walkers.

Perhaps, the photo uploaded by Norman Reedus is from a parallel universe and there, these snowmen are fans of "The Walking Dead." So, they decided to come up with their own zombie apocalypse series titled "The Rolling Dead" (snowmen cannot walk, they roll).

Four Snow Rollers (Snow walkers is so Earth-like) are following this poor snow dude. He is helpless by the look on his snowy face. Also, he is running due to four snow rollers after him who are all covered in blood.

The snow rollers are hungry for some yummy snow flesh. One of the snow rollers has been sliced half. It has not been revealed by Norman that who is behind the slicing-act. Will the snow dude survive this terrible ordeal? Will the hungry snow rollers kill him or bite him to make him the fifth snow roller?

"The Rolling Dead" season 1 by Norman Reedus. Norman, we want more such pictures.

The photograph is probably Norman's work as he is one hell of a creative person. Norman Reedus is an epic photographer and his photography book titled "The Sun's Coming Up ... Like a Big Bald Head" is available in NYC.

Read more about Norman's book: Christmas Book from Norman Reedus - "The Sun's Coming Up ... Like a Big Bald Head," Places to buy the book in NYC.