Yeah, yeah. We all want Daryl Dixon to find a nice girl and settle down. He shared a special bond with Carol. But thanks to Rick Grimes, she was left alone in "The Walking Dead" season 4 episode 5, "Internment." You will be amazed to know that fans are open to a new kind of pairing: Daryl Dixon and Michonne.

Daryl and Michonne?

And guess what, Norman Reedus is "OK" to Daryl hooking up with Michonne. In an interview with The Daily Beast, Reedus pointed out towards Daryl-Michonne romance angle.

"Never say never," Reedus says.

"She's a cute girl. I'm not opposed to it," he adds.

In episode 4, the two had their moments that could later build up and help them romance with each other. Also, for the first time, Michonne smiled at Daryl.

"In that whole scene, there's so much of me telling her to stay," Reedus tells. It is that moment, when Daryl tells Michonne that he would be out their hunting with her. "I like the way that played out, when she said, 'You're right.' I don't even look at her, I'm just like, 'Good.' I don't like it when things get overly sentimental. You think about these characters and their life, it's just tragedy on tragedy on tragedy. I like the fact that she's starting to integrate into this group and she's starting to let things go. It's nice to see her smile," Reedus says.

Well, The Governor hunt is not cold, it is pretty hot because the man is standing right outside the prison. He is all set for vengeance.

Besides, the Daryl-Michonne's possible romance, Reedus also talked about Rick being blasted by fans for leaving Carol alone.

"Andy happened to call me the next morning and I'm like, 'Dude, everyone's mad at you!' He goes, 'I know. I went to my local coffee shop this morning and they were like, 'Who do you think you are? How could you just leave her on the side of the road like that?' And [Andy's] like, 'Just give me my coffee. I stand behind my decision.'"

It looks like Andy doesn't give a damn. All kidding aside, we are looking forward to Daryl walk the aisle with a suitable mate.