While outpourings of sympathy for Steve Jobs' family continue, not everyone is sad of the demise of the technology innovator who died on Wednesday at age 56.

The Topeka, Kan.-based Westboro Baptist Church, a.k.a. God Hates Fags, is going out of its way to protest the funeral of Jobs.

In a tweet response to Apple's tweet that Jobs is dead, Margie J. Phelps, the WBC spokeswoman and daughter of its leader and pastor Fred Phelps, sent this message via Twitter: "Westboro will picket his funeral. He had a huge platform; gave God no glory & taught sin."

WBC also had a response to another tweet from Apple announcing the death: "No peace for man who served self, not God."

It has been the WBC's practics to stage protest against funerals of fallen U.S. soldiers and celebrities, deeming their passing as a punishment from God. Despite universal revulsion, the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld its right to free speech guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.

The funny thing is that WBC's tweets were sent via iPhone, an invention of Jobs and the world's second largest company he co-founded.

Margie Phelps defended the use of the Apple gadget. She said God created it for the purpose of telling people that "Jobs is in hell," according to Chron.com.