NT bakery attacks customer for leaving bad review

A North Territory bakery has been panned for its unfitting response to a negative review. Howard Springs Bakery launched an obscenity-filled reply to a customer who dared give it a constructive criticism.
On Sunday, customer Branch Latroll left a two-star review on the NT bakery’s Facebook page, saying the pie he was served was cold and the iced coffee he ordered was already expired. He said he had been a customer for years, but after his unsatisfactory experience, he decided not to patronise the place anymore.
“Have been coming to this bakery for years, at least once a fortnight, for a sunday morning pie and ice coffee with the fam,” [sic] he wrote. “This all stops today untill I hear that the place has got its **** together.”
He said the pie he was served wasn’t warm and that it tasted like it was microwaved rather than grilled because it had that “wierd raw pastry taste [sic].” His iced coffee was also “out of date.” He gave the restaurant two stars because of the Nutella donuts.
Howard Springs Bakery didn’t take kindly to the negative review, lashing out an expletive-laden rant of its own at the customer.
“F****** keyboard worrier [sic]. Does it make you feel like a man to post this bull****. Get a life you w*****. Say you been [sic ] going for years and have 1 bad pie and crack the sads like a little b****. If you weren’t satisfied, take it back for a refund or exchange instead of jumping on your phone last a right *****. Staff make mistakes, its [sic] life, it happens, get over it. Let me know where you work and Ill [sic] have the staff member come and review you. Gutless Troll. Not nice is it.”

“it was an honest review, but thanks for your feedback,” Mr Latroll replied.
The bakery’s vitriolic response was met with mixed reactions. Some sided with the establishment, saying it was just right the way it replied to a “troll” like Mr Latroll. Others, however, called out the bakery for being “unprofessional.”
Latroll told news.com.au that he was “pretty sure” he has been banned from the bakery now. “If you can cut a pie in half and no filling falls out, something isn’t right,” he said of the aforementioned pie. “[We] threw it [pies] out. I wouldn’t let my kids eat it. I made them pancakes instead.”
Bakery owner Rod Coverdale, meanwhile, told NT News that he did not know wrote the post or that it was even posted. He said, however, that a staff member had been “in tears” over Latroll’s review, which explained how the bakery reacted. And although he admitted that the language used was unacceptable, he understood why the response was written.
“Leaving a review like that achieves nothing and commenting on it achieves nothing,” he reasoned out.