The John Key parody song “Planet Key” is now prohibited to be played on radio and TV stations. The Electoral Commission of New Zealand classified Darren Watson’s song as an “election programme” that may influence voters.

Earlier in August, Watson released his single, which appears to be a jibe at the Prime Minister.

Its lyrics include, “All I wanted when I was growing up was to be the boss of you all,” and “I’m all up here pn Planet Key, it’s all for one and it’s all for me.”

It has been enjoying moderate success since it was released, debuting at number 14 on the NZ Top 20 singles chart. However, on Tuesday, Watson announced on his Facebook page that there’s an airplay ban on his song.

The Commission has ordered radio stations to stop playing the song on the ground that it could be against the law.

“The Planet Key track cannot be broadcast on radio or television because it is an election programme,” the statement reads.

“There are strict rules that prohibit the broadcasting on radio and television of material by third parties that appears to encourage voters to vote or not to vote for a political party.”

The Commission is still considering whether the music video for “Planet Key” is an election advertisement. If it is, it can still be published online, but it would need to include a promoter statement for the voters to see who promoted it.

But if Mr Key himself is asked, the song was harmless.

“I’ve seen it, as a parody it was OK,” he told reporters on Tuesday, as quoted by MSN. He added that he didn’t know that it has been banned.

“I’m not worried about it.”

Labour leader David Cunliffe also thought that the controversial song, which features Mr Key playing a guitar in oil-polluted water, was mildly amusing.

Watson’s “Planet Key” is still available for download on iTunes.