Juice maker Charlie's Group has reported $21.9 million gross sales for the six month period ending 31 December 2010.This is ahead of previous guidance given and significantly ahead of the same period a year ago. The increase represents sales growth of $4.9 million or 29.2 per cent versus the corresponding period last year.

Charlie's Group chief executive Stefan Lepionka said "We are extremely pleased with our trading performance, particularly in Australia where the majority of this growth has come from.

Charlie's recently began supplying a number of its drinks to 750 Coles supermarket stores in Australia, and earlier this month said that deal had been extended to include a wider range of drinks.

As well as this growth in Australia, the company said that sales trends in New Zealand have improved with gross sales growing at 3.6 per cent over the total period and in particular in the last quarter 9.1 per cent sales growth was achieved.

The Board reconfirmed earlier profit guidance of earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of $2 million and net profit after tax (NPAT) of $1 million for the six months ending 31 December 2010.

The company said full results for the half year will be released on 23 February 2011.