New Zealand Prime Minister John key has called the actions of the group Roast Busters "extremely disturbing and disgusting behaviour," while one of its alleged co-founder has posted his apology to their victims online.

Roast Busters is believed to be founded in 2011 by a group of young Auckland men from 17 to 18 years of age, who name and shame their sexual exploits on Facebook. Their victims are understood to be girls as young as 13 years old and were often intoxicated during the act. They also posted the footage of their act online, and had been recruiting other boys to join them in group sex sessions with girls.

It has been making national headlines since 3 News exposed their Facebook page on Sunday. The page has since been taken down.

A female victim told the news source that she was raped by three guys when she had too much to drink.

"I just kept blacking out 'cause I had drunken too much," she told 3 News. "You could say I got raped. I had sex with three guys at one time."

Police spent two years investigating the group, although they haven't taken any action yet since none of the alleged victims have filed formal complaints. Until then, all the police can do is to warn the gang's members.

"We've told them their behaviour is verging on criminal if not criminal, and suggested it cease... Some of the boys and their families were compliant and we believe they have stopped associating with the group," detective inspector Bruce Scott said.

The lack of development on the case has frustrated a lot of Kiwis.

Rape Prevention Education executive director Dr Kim McGregor said that the police should have contacted Facebook when they learned of the group's activities.

"I wonder why the police didn't intervene earlier and do exactly the same thing," Newstalk ZB quoted Dr McGregor as saying. "They knew they were on Facebook about five months ago."

PM Key has condemned the group for their abhorrent actions, though he defended the police for failing to charge anyone in connection with the crime.

"These young guys should just grow u. I guess, as a parent, I find the issue very disturbing and abhorrent really. I mean, you are talking about youngsters who are at a very delicate age," quoted the prime minister as saying on Monday.

"It is very difficult to progress this issue if someone isn't prepared to make a formal complaint. And it's a very challenging situation for a young woman to put herself in that position."

Meanwhile, a post believed to have been written by one of the founders of the group is circulating online.

According to NZ Herald, the post was posted by Twitter user @natekelston154, who thought that the unnamed founder's apology was sincere, but it's just that "some girls were idiots tho!!"

"...I have defiantly made some major mistakes in mylief I have really tried to make some dramatic changes to myself before I was even on the news," the alleged Roast Busters co-founder wrote.

"I have not been happy with who I have become and if I suffer any consequences from my past actions then I guess I deserve it but I just want people to know I am a good person at heart and I have matured and have taken this as a massive learning experience. I hope no one goes down the path I took and I hope people learn from my mistakes."

And to the victims, he said, "All the girls that have been effected by this whole ridiculousness I apologize and wish the best for you." (all sic)