New Zealand Prime Minister John Key doesn’t think @peace’s “Kill the PM” song warrants a response, but her daughter Stephanie should be kept out of it.

The hip-hop band released the anti-Key song with offensive lyrics that include “we are down and suffering and the mother----- ain’t doin’ nothin’. Going to kill the Prime Minister.”

The song also says, “One of these days I’m going to f--- your daughter. This poor boy going to make his seed, going to wake up in your girl – well hello Miss Key.”

The PM doesn’t want to address the song, saying it doesn’t deserve a response. However, the band crossed the line when the lyrics included sexual assault on his daughter.

“I just don’t think it’s worth dignifying with a response,” Mr Key told reporters on Tuesday.

As for the mention of his daughter on the song, he said she should be off-limits.

“I think the vast bulk of New Zealanders would agree with me on that.”

After the song has garnered more negative attention than support from anti-Key voters, songwriter Tom Scott, formerly of the band Homebrew, immediately tried to do damage control on Facebook, saying he has no plans to kill Mr Key or rape his daughter.

“I do not want to literally kill this man,” he wrote on the band’s Facebook page. “I do not wish to have sexual relations with anybody related to him. Let’s not pretend a silly little song ever changed anything. Last I seen [sic] famine was still going pretty strong since ‘Heal the World’ came out. It’s just a song. No different from Thatcher era punk. Anyone ever heard ‘Maggie you’re a c---?’”

He added that the song’s purpose was to encourage the youth to enrol to vote so that they can help elect someone else in power.

Scott joins Lui Tuiasau and Hayden Dick in the band.

Kim Dotcom, one of Mr Key’s most vocal critic, also condemned “Kill the PM,” which has been available for download on his file-sharing sit Mega.

For the record: A song about killing John Key is a SHIT song and unlawful too. Please report #Mega links to our takedown team.

— Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) August 26, 2014

I know a lot of you are angry. But violence is not the way. Your weapon is your vote. Use it. And tell others to use it too. — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) August 26, 2014

The Electoral Commission told NZ Newswire that it is evaluating the song’s lyrics on whether it breaks rules stopping the broadcast of materials by third parties that appear to influence voters.

Earlier in August, the Commission banned Darren Watson’s song “Planet Key” from being played on radio and TV stations, saying that the track may influence voters.

Read: NZ Electoral Commission Bans Airplay of John Key Parody Song ‘Planet Key’