U.S. President Barack Obama on Wednesday faced up to Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney in their first debate. Meanwhile, the First Lady said she "would not have chosen" to observe her 20th wedding anniversary by attending a presidential debate.

Prior to the debate, Obama shouted out his love for his wife on Twitter.

"Twenty years ago today, I married the love of my life and my best friend. Happy anniversary, Michelle. -bo," says the tweet posted on the @BarackObama page.

Speaking to CNN, Michelle Obama said: "(A)ttending a presidential debate on my 20th anniversary is probably the worst way for me to spend (it)... I get so nervous at these debates... I would not have chosen this, but I'm excited about it."

The focus of the presidential debate was domestic policy. Both Obama and Romney have spoken on taxes, economic growth and the national debt. America, including many celebrities tuned in.

Here are some celebrity shout-outs on Twitter during the first U.S. presidential debate:

Ivanka Trump: "Romney looks very Presidential. He is confidant [sic], composed & well prepared. #Obama hasn't connected too many punches tonight. #debate"

Will Wheaton: "Network note for Obama: We know you're the leader of the free world and this other guy is a clown, but you've got to dial back the disgust."

Eva Longoria: "I'm in New Zealand watching the presidential debate! Obama is killing it on health care! #Obama2012"

Omar Epps: "Dear Mitt, *In my Jay-Z voice* We don't believe you, you need more people! Sincerely, We The People"

Mary J Blige: "President Obama did his thing! He gave us the real [sic]!"

Cher: "They'll deserve what they get & it will be 2 late!How can Americans take the Chance on a man who lies About social Sec.Medicare & on & on!"

Those who have been insiders to the world of politics also tweeted their reactions on the debate:

Karl Rove, Former Deputy Chief of Staff to President George W. Bush, tweets: "One guy was presidential, focused, passionate & funny. The other guy was churlish, irritated & defensive. He was the guy w/ the blue tie."

U.S. Senator John McCain also tweeted: "Very strong performance by @MittRomney tonight - the American people got a clear look at two distinct views of the role of gov't"

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