"Oculus" Movie is being called the scariest movie so far. The movie which stars "Doctor Who" vet Karen Gillan hit theaters on April 11 and was received with immense warmth from critics. The film opens up with Tim Russell (Brenton Thwaites) being released from a psychiatric institute and his sister Kaylie Russell (Karen Gillan) reminding him of the revenge they have to take from a supernatural presence who killed their family. It is this supernatural presence, which had, sent Thwaites character to psychiatric ward. The movie is a juxtaposition of past and present, which shows supernatural power in full action killing the lead actors mother and father.

Gillan's character wants to prove that the supernatural power lives in the mirror of their old home and is responsible for the murder. What makes this movie interesting is the fact that it is not clear whether the supernatural power exists or is it just the imagination of their minds.

Lets take a look at reviews of Oculus movie:


The zig-zag narrative, with the scenes flitting from present to past, and a hazy line between reality, imagination and flashbacks, keeps the viewers on their toes. Without the use of loud background music, overtly-exaggerated sound-effects or blood and gore, the film's look and feel is sometimes too real for comfort. Of course, the absence of a solid "ghost" or "monster" figure just adds to the terror. Because you never know if something is real, or is the mirror just "playing tricks."

Slash Films

"Flanagan's script is a psychological jumping bean as it hops wildly between multiple timelines, putting the audiences in the shoes of the characters, everyone totally unaware of precisely what's going on. The whole thing has a fluid feeling that's not exactly innovative, but exciting enough to potentially kick off a new franchise.


Oculus is actually scary because it goes about its methods differently than most films in the genre.

The tactics of "scaring" with jump-scares are a far too common cheap trick among horror films. Yes, there are a few times when Oculus uses them, but they feel out of place within the context of the film, as if they were placed there because the studio said "that's what people are coming to see." The majority of the scares in the film are much more deeply rooted psychological scares, and it works really well.

"Oculus" will mess with your mind.

Let us know your reviews about the movie. Do you think it is the most scary movie you have seen in years-even scarier than "Paranormal Activity?"