An old Canadian Hershey factory used to make chocolates but now believed to produce marijuana. This factory has been abandoned some years back but it is reportedly manufacturing licensed marijuana.

This was a controversial update when the Stephen Harper government announced the legalization of marijuana in Canada [READ HERE]. Another update regarding industrialization of marijuana brings further assumptions.

Tweed Inc. is among the 185 companies that seek to legally produce marijuana in the country. Chairman Bruce Linton has recently expressed his concern over finding a suitable location for marijuana production. He said many landlords are apathetical about producing marijuana, adding parents disown their child if found engaged in marijuana production.

Several celebrities have admitted consuming marijuana at some point in their life. Famous personalities include politicians like U.S. President Barack Obama, admitting he has smoked pot 'frequently' in the earlier part of his life. Other American celebrities like Lady Gaga openly shared that she uses marijuana for creative purposes. She said she usually smokes pot when she attempts to write a song.

Canada's decision to license the production of medical marijuana was more a "loosening up" approach from the government.

Mark Mander, head of police in Kentville, Nova Scotia, said this move is to separate the illicit from the legitimate use. Mander is also the chairman of a drug panel for the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.

However, the Canadian Medical Association maintains its reservations against the legalization of marijuana. Louis Hugo Francescutti, president of the organisation, said it has to be sure that Canada does not become a "nation of addicts."

He added most of the medical doctors in the country are not prepared for this new practice.