Australia's Olympic swim team is now in submerged in hot water after a panel was requested to be established to review the team's lackluster performance in the recently concluded 2012 London Olympics in August.

Expected to be composed of Tim Ford, a former Commonwealth Games swimmer and former Swimming Australia board member, and dual Olympic 1500m gold medallist Kieren Perkins, the review panel, among others, will look into the emerging behavioural issues in the Olympic team, especially on the members' discipline, morale and leadership.

In what could be its worst performance ever, Team Australia came home armed with only one gold, six silver and three bronze in London.

Special focus would be given to the men's 4 x 100m freestyle relay team, which according to team insiders assumed special status within the group, but yet failed to win a medal. The review panel will also delve into allegations of bullying and late-night phone calls, among others, trivial yes, but could have possibly led to team disunity.

"If these things are happening, it needs to be investigated," Swimming Australia President David Urquhart said in The Australian.

Tommaso D'Orsogna said the full story on what happened leading to preparations for the 2012 London Olympics had not yet come out.

"I am fairly disappointed with the behaviour and the general lack of leadership by senior members of the relay," he said.

Team members alleged among those disturbed by the late-night incident, which happened two days before the team flew to London, included coaches. But for some reason, the involved swimmers were never made to account for their actions.

"The biggest problem about the whole situation was that some of the management and coaches found out about some of this stuff and nothing was said, and nothing was done," one unidentified swimmer said.

Allegations were also ripe that Swimming Australia board and head coach Leigh Nugent is not fit for the job as he allegedly displayed poor leadership skills.

"I am commenting no longer on London Olympics or preparations until the (Swimming Australia) review has completed and recommendations delivered," Mr Nugent said as he denied to discuss the allegations of ill-discipline in the team.