'Once Upon a Time' Season 2 airs a new episode Sunday (May 5), with Wendy Darling in the picture. This is the first part of the season finale so viewers can expect more action. Will the finale answer all the burning questions of the season?

TV.com runs the following synopsis for the first part of Once Upon a Time Season 2 Finale (Part 1):

"While David, Mary Margaret, and Emma try to find Regina after the destruction of the beanfield, Gold considers telling Lacey of his magical abilities. Meanwhile, in the past after Bae falls through the portal, he arrives in 19th century London and befriends a young girl named Wendy Darling."

The synopsis above sparks the following questions and speculations:

1. What does Greg and Tamara plan to do with Regina? Greg Mendell aka Owen hints in the previous OUAT episode that they have science-related endeavors. (What a cool homage to "father of modern genetics" Gregor Mendel!) In order to bring his father back, Young Owen must have determined he needs to beat Regina's magic. How will "the outsider" use science against the evil queen?

2. Where did Tamara come from? Tamara may be from another land. Or she probably knows some magic, too. Does she have any agenda other than being of assistance to Greg?

3. Will Once Upon a Time "superheroes" David, Mary Margaret, and Emma rescue Regina from the 'science' of Greg and Tamara? If any character could rescue Regina from the "outsiders," it should be Emma. She's the one who tracks missing people, after all.

4. Lacey aka Belle is still unable to recover her post-curse memories. Now that she's being Lacey, how could her character be relevant to Rumple's decisions? Will Rumple also rescue Regina from Greg? (We've read that the evil queen will be subjected to some kind of torture.)

5. Wendy Darling is finally appearing on Once Upon a Time. It's about time, really. Captain Hook has been the advance party. Soon, viewers will meet Peter Pan - who may or may not be Baelfire aka Neal of Manhattan.

VIDEO: Once Upon a Time Season 2 Finale (Part 1) Sneak Peek

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