Once Upon a Time Season 2 finale is airing soon, but there is still no new episode this week. Fans are combing entertainment sites for finale spoilers this early because OUAT has finished filming. There are only four more episodes left to air this season. Could it be true that Baelfire aka Neal is also Peter Pan, and he will be taking Snow White to a "new land" in the upcoming finale?

Once Upon a Time Season 2 Finale Spoilers: Snow White Takes Off for a ‘New Land,’ Bae aka Neal as Peter Pan? (Image: Jennifer Morrison via Facebook)

In a recent Facebook post by OUAT actress Jennifer Morrison, she teases that Ginnifer Goodwin will have a scene aboard Captain Hook's ship, the Jolly Roger. Morrison and Goodwin play the daughter and fairy tale mom roles of Emma Swan and Snow White/Mary Margaret, respectively.

Many fans assume the Facebook photo only means that Snow White is headed to Peter Pan's Neverland. This is because the titles of the last two episodes of OUAT Season 2 give major clues: "Second Star to the Right" and "And Straight on 'Til Morning." (In Walt Disney's 1953 Peter Pan film, Peter's directions to Neverland states: "second star to the right, and straight on till morning." In J.M. Barrie's original tale, however, the phrase lacked the word "star.")

We speculate on who could be manning the ship. It couldn't be Captain Hook because he has no reason to help the family members of Rumplestiltskin. And we know that the last man to sail Hook's ship is Baelfire aka Neal. That Neal could take control of the famous ship has two implications: One, Baelfire has been to Never Land. Two, Baelfire could be Peter Pan himself. Connect that to the fact that OUAT's Hook calls Neal's dad the "Crocodile," and it all fits.

So what does Snow White want in Never Land? Could she be in a journey to redemption - for the elimination of darkness in her heart? It makes sense to assume that Prince Charming goes on the journey with her. Perhaps Emma Swan and Henry Miller, too. Or is the family looking for Henry, who we know, will be kidnapped in the season finale.

There are many possibilities, and a OUAT viewer's imagination is easily filled to the brim. We know that Aurora, Philip and Mulan will re-appear towards the finale. We also found out that they have a connection to Baelfire. And then there's the bad couple team of Greg Mendel and Tamara. How does the Evil Queen figure in all these developments?

The OUAT Season 2 finale spoilers and teasers are keeping the fans restless. The next OUAT episode won't air until Apr. 21. This episode, called "Lacey," centers on Belle and her Storybrooke alter-ego, racy Lacey.

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