"Once Upon a Time" Season 3, Episode 11, "Going Home" presents the ultimate battle between father and son, Rumplestiltskin (Robert Carlyle) and Peter Pan (Robbie Kay). OUAT fans watch the promo video, but can't determine whether Pan will succeed in what he wants to do in Storybrooke. But what can't be missed in the teasers is the moment that Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) and Captain Hook (Colin O'Donoghue) share. Has the saviour made her choice?

Spoiler alert: This feature contains minor spoilers from Once Upon a Time, Season 3, Episode 11, Going Home. This is the winter finale episode of the ABC series, which returns in 2014 for the second half of the season.

It looks like Henry (Jared S. Gilmore) and Pan will be switching bodies before another curse engulfs Storybrooke. Will Evil Queen Regina (Lana Parrilla) work with Snow White (Ginnifer Goodwin) and Emma against a common enemy?

In an interview, Robbie Kay has mentioned the "result" of whatever happens in OUAT 3x11 will not be shown until 2014. Fans can expect a huge cliffhanger. It happens Rumple's life will be hanging in the balance, too. Watch the ABC promo video below.

In the previous Once Upon a Time episode, Prince Charming (Josh Dallas) advises daughter Emma to enjoy the little sweet "moments" of life despite inevitable tragedies. He wants her to date Baelfire aka Neal (Michael Raymond-James). But this is before everyone discovers Peter Pan is in Henry's body. Flash forward to OUAT 3x11 -- Emma is seen showing Captain Hook her sweet smile. Does this happen before or after the curse is cast?

WATCH: OUAT 3x11 'Going Home' Promo; It's The Saviour, The Evil Queen and Rumple vs Peter Pan

"The townspeople come together to try and stop Pan as he plans to unleash Regina's stolen curse to kill everyone in Storybrooke... or worse," says the OUAT 3x11 summary on TV.com.

It has been established Peter Pan is obsessed with power and magic. By understanding Pan's darkness, Baelfire has finally been able to forgive Rumple. Henry, the fourth in their generation, is the truest believer, around whom everyone has been glued together. Everyone, except Pan. It is actually Peter Pan vs everyone in Once Upon a Time Season 3, Episode 11. What does "Going Home" mean for the fairy tale characters this time?

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