The spin-off of the hit "Once Upon a Time," "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland,' premiered on October 10, 2013. The pilot episode introduced us to the grown-up version of Alice (Sophie Lowe), the little Alice who went down a Rabbit role in Lewis Carroll's children book "Alice Adventure in Wonderland."

According to the new fantasy series, "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland," Alice landed in an asylum because of her tales of wonderland. She escaped the Bethlem Asylum to go down the rabbit hole, again to find the love of her life Genie Cyrus (Peter Gadiot). Red Queen (Emma Rigby) and Jafar (Naveen Andrews) were introduced as principal antagonists. Red Queen had pushed Cyrus in the boiling sea. Alice was living in the asylum with the thought that Cyrus was consumed by the boiling sea.

However, White Rabbit (John Lithgow voice) lies to Alice that Cyrus is alive. White Rabbit is lying on Red Queen's orders. She wants to find the Genie to accomplish something sinister with Jafar, and Alice is the only one who can find him for her.

Jafar is more sinister than Red Queen. It is his carpet that had saved Cyrus from falling into the boiling sea. Jafar is keeping Cyrus imprisoned in a cage and through Alice, he wants to find the bottle of the Genie and also get the wishes that Alice carries in her shoe. Red Queen does not know that Cyrus is at Jafar's place.

Alice now firmly believes that Cyrus is alive as she found his red stone pendant outside Mad Hatter's house. She is going to find him at any cost. "She'll (Alice) go to the end of the world to find Cyrus. It's the first person she's felt completely comfortable with. She doesn't have to prove anything to him. He just loves her for who she is. She's never experienced that before. There's a strong bond between them," Sophie said to Seattlepi in an interview.


In the second episode of "Once Upon a Time in Wonderland," "Trust Me," she will use Genie's bottle to find who to trust and who are the enemies. Through flashbacks, we will find out how Cyrus and Alice fell in love. There is a possibility of Red Queen confronting Jafar.

"In Wonderland, Alice concocts a plan to find Cyrus and uses his genie bottle as bait to find out who she's up against and who her real friends are. Meanwhile, the Red Queen and Jafar face off and in flashback, viewers find out how Alice and Cyrus fell in love and how Cyrus ends up in Wonderland," according to the official synopsis released by ABC for the second episode.