Teen sensation One Direction and its members- Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik- are often surrounded by rumours. Their enormous popularity has made them victims of some of the strangest claims. A latest report by a magazine has stirred up media with bizarre claims and headlines that states Harry Styles is a dad now.

Citing the claims of an Australian magazine NW, Cambio reports what it calls "the most ridiculous Harry rumour yet." The title of the magazine's cover story reads:"HARRY... A DAD AT 20!"

The Web site also published the picture of the magazine's cover page showing Harry Styles holding a baby girl in his arms. Exposing the falseness of the report, the Web site points out that the child Harry Styles is holding in his arms is Lou Teasdale's daughter, Lux. Teasdale happens to be One Direction's famous hairstylist and friend.

Furthermore, the report notes that the picture of Harry Styles and the baby is from 2013. Debunking the rumour, another publication, Sugarscape notes that Harry Styles turned 20 this Feb. and the baby in question was born on Sept. 11, 2011.

Meanwhile, another report surfaced claiming a kiss from Harry Styles repaired a 15 year old girl's six months of impairment. According to Metro UK, Laura Yeates lost her voice to laryngitis and pharyngitis. The girl had not spoken for six months but was able to do so after "her idol blew her a kiss."

The miracle happened at Wembley Stadium where she was attending One Direction concert with her mother Carly. Her four visits to hospital and sessions with speech therapist failed to do what Harry Styles' kiss did to her.

"On the day of the concert I was slightly upset because I would not be able to enjoy the atmosphere as much as the rest of the crowd," Laura Yeates told the publication.

Describing what happened, Yeates told that she and her mother managed to get close to the stage to see Harry pour water on them and then blew a kiss that helped restoring her voice.

"I said to my mum, 'Mum listen,' and as I tried to carry on screaming, my voice was coming back more and more," the girl said.

"No psychiatrist, no speech and language, no doctor or nurse could bring my voice back, but One Direction could," Laura added.

While some believe in the story, some remain sceptic. What do you think? Sound off your opinion in the comments section below.