The Beatles was undeniably the most powerful boy band to rule the music scene. Yet, Harry Styles of the popular British boy band, One Direction claim that they are even “bigger” than The Beatles. Are they even really?

In an interview with Top of the Pops magazine, the curly-haired member of 1D claims that their boy band is “even bigger” than that of The Beatles. If there was the “Beatlemania” back in the 1960’s, there’s certainly the 1D fever in this century of which Styles is very much happy to be a part of.

"Stepping off the plane, the girls, the madness, it was exactly the same as when we got there - just 50 years earlier," says Styles in a report by the New Zealand Herald.

Of course, some “Directioners” were proud of what Harry had to say while some blew up on Twitter. Below are just a few tweets on the “bigger” than Beatles comment made by Styles.

As if Harry styles said that One Direction are bigger than The Beatles are you serious? They're not even on the same planet.

— DJ Delaney (@OfficialDjDel) February 10, 2014

One direction are not the Beatles The Beatles are not one direction Do not ever compare the two — Zack Lance Ü (@zacklance5) February 10, 2014

Harry Styles: 'One Direction Aren't In The Same League As The Beatles'

— 1D UPDATES (@1DUpdatesOnline) February 10, 2014

However, Harry was quick to gain some humility and stated: “But none of us think we're in the same league as them music-wise. We'd be total fools if we did. Fame-wise it's probably even bigger, but we don't stand anywhere near them in terms of music."
Putting aside what Harry and his fans had to say, which of the two boy bands is the “bigger” one: One Direction or The Beatles?