Source: IBTimes UK

Puerto Rican Orlando Cruz knows how to throw a punch, literally and figuratively. Orlando Cruz shocked the world in 2012 (probably punched one or two guts too) by becoming the first openly gay boxer. Now he treated the world into the same gut-wrenching surprise by proposing to his boyfriend. To make matters more exciting, he did it through Facebook.

Cruz (20-2-1, 10 KOs) prepared a proposal video for his boyfriend Jose Manuel and posted this video on his Facebook page. In the video, Cruz started with saying how much he misses his boyfriend (understood from the translation from NBC Latino).

"I wanted to tell you how much I need you and how much I miss you," Cruz says to Manuel in the video. He followed this with "I know you are a person that means a lot to me and that supports my career and respects it which is very important, but above all you are always there giving me that push that I need. Now more than ever that I have an important fight coming up for the world championship.

"I want to tell you that you are a very special person in my life. I am a little nervous, but I want to tell you and share with your friends and my friends if you want to marry me. I want you to be part of my life and me be part of yours."

His boyfriend replied to this sweet proposal with his own video. Aren't they just the sweetest. Oh, and he said Yes!

Cruz is set to face Orlando Salido in October as they fight for the vacant WBO featherweight title. Now that his boyfriend agreed to marry him, this should serve as more than a lucky charm. We'll be waiting to see you bring home that title, buddy.