Jenji Kohan, the show-runner of "Orange is the New Black," has finally cleared the speculation surrounding the length of Laura Prepon's role as Alex Vause in the second season. It looks like Prepon will have more than a limited role in the upcoming season of this drama-comedy. However, it is confirmed that the actress is not returning as a series regular.

Talking about Prepon, Kohan said to Us Weekly that "Yes, yes, she [Prepon] is coming back. Not the whole season,'ll see her for most of it."

It was first reported back in August that Prepon is likely not to return for Season 2. Both Netflix and Kohan did not confirm the news at the time. Later, Buzzfeed had reported that Prepon might appear in only one episode to wrap-up her story-line. However, a new report surfaced squashing the speculation of an episode appearance. This report stated that Prepon will be appearing in a total of four episodes in Season 2. Her character's story-line will have an open-ending, according to reports.

Recently, it was reported that Prepon is negotiating her contract for Season 3 of "Orange is the New Black." This latest news of Prepon being in most of Season 2 will please Vause's fans. "Orange is the New Black" Season 1 focused on Piper Chapman and her relationship with Vause. It is hard to image this Netflix's original series without Vause.

In a previous interview to TV Guide, Kohan had said that "Orange is the New Black" is "becoming much more of an ensemble. As much as I love Piper and Taylor and her journey, I think people are interested in everybody's journey."

Loosely based on Piper Kerman's memoir of the same name, "Orange is the New Black" promises to tell a more compelling story in the Second Season, which is richer in content. Lori Petty has been roped-in to guest-star in the upcoming season.

According to media speculation, "Orange is the New Black" is likely to premiere in spring, 2014.