'Orange is the New Black' returns to Netflix -- and 'Sesame Street' came out with a parody [Video]
"OITNB" season 5 dropped on Netflix in June 9

Female-led prison drama “Orange is the New Black” is back on Netflix. The show has aired its season finale, which garnered mixed reviews. While OITNB is not considered child-friendly, a popular children’s show has taken inspiration and made a parody out of it. It is not something one would expect to see on “Sesame Street,” but it managed to pull it off anyway.
“Sesame Street” has given viewers a G-rated spot-on parody of “Orange is the New Black” to teach kids about healthy eating. Appropriately, they labelled the clip “Orange is the New Snack.” The segment kicks off with a blow-by-blow remake of the OITNB opening credits remade with lyrics that every kid would understand and love.
The song goes, “cookies are baked, it’s time to feed. But healthy foods are what we need, and we’ve got time for snacks.” Of course, children would have no idea how dark the inspiration for the song is, so viewers of the Netflix show might find it awkward.
The video introduces Sesame Street’s version of the characters from “Orange is the New Black.” Instead of serving time behind bars at Litchfield Penitentiary, they are students in Litchfield Academy. Much smaller chances of a riot taking place. Slate writes that Piper Chapman was changed to Piper Snackman, Crazy Eyes is portrayed as Googly Eyes, and Pornstache has been reintroduced as Mr. Mustache.
In the clip, the cookie is the popular snack of choice for kids. However, Piper has a much healthier option in her lunchbox that her mom probably packed for her. Now, she faces a challenge to persuade fellow inmates, or should we say classmates, to prefer orange as their new snack. This has to happen without being bullied in the environment or starting a riot, or however “Sesame Street” plans to make it child-friendly.
This looks awkward and all, but this is not the first time “Sesame Street” reintroduced a child-friendly version of an adult series. Previously, it also featured “Upside Downtown Abbey,” “Sons of Poetry,” 30 Rocks” and even “Game of Chairs.”
Sesame Street: Orange is the New Snack (Orange is the New Black Parody)