BBC America's clone-drama series, "Orphan Black," is set to return on April 19, 2014, with an episode titled "Nature Under Constraint And Vexed." The season 2 is likely to begin with Sarah frantically searching for her daughter Kira.

Huffington Post reports that the premiere episode of "Orphan Black" Season 2 is likely to tackle the "philosophical implications of what's happened, and whether the pursuit of science should have moral ambiguity." As reported previously, the upcoming season will take-up the issue of patenting human-DNA. The issue is expected to be addressed thematically.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Maria Doyle Kennedy, who plays Sarah's foster mother, Ms S, in "Orphan Black," said that the new season of Orphan Black is "like season 1 on crack." The actress also hinted that Ms S will be seen more in the upcoming season.

Kennedy said that her character's, Ms S, is mainly concern about protecting Kira. "In the war between Rachel and Sarah and the whole idea about the clones trying to find out about themselves, she [Ms S] keeps going through that and beyond it and goes, 'Where does Kira land in all this? What's happening with her? How safe is she? Are they close to her? Can they get her?'" Kenney said.

Graeme Manson, co-creator of "Orphan Black," has indicated that in the new season Sarah's problems will be "amplified." The Season 2 is set to feature a season-long power struggle between Sarah and Rachel.

Manson said, as quoted by Entertainment Weekly, "every alliance in her life (Sarah) has changed, every dynamic has shifted and nothing is certain anymore. She's not sure who to trust. A war begins with her and Rachel this year, really."

The new season will introduce new characters, including Dyad agent, Marian Bowles, portrayed by Michelle Forbes. This character will keep a "bird's eye-view" on the fight between Rachel and Sarah.

Meanwhile, the secret that Alison is keeping will consume her, according to Manson. Also, this character will experience "explosions" in the upcoming season.