"Orphan Black," BBC America's original scripted, science-fiction series, had a good first season. The second season promises to take the audience further down the "rabbit hole."

"The rabid fan base known as the 'Clone Club' is growing every day as audiences discover this unique show and gear up for an exciting second season that takes us further down the rabbit hole," Perry Simon, general manager of BBC America, had said in a statement.

The U.S Supreme Court has banned patenting of human DNA. Graeme Manson, co-writer of "Orphan Black," had said at Comic Con, as quoted by BBC America, that this ruling will be included in the second season. They intend to address it "thematically."

"We are going to be looking at the issue of the patents and how much legal space there is around that," Manson said. John Fawcett, co-writer "Orphan Black," had hinted that a couple of more clones will make their appearance in the second season.

"We love our wacky little clone show," Fawcett had said, "and we love our clones. I don't think anyone would be surprised if we unveiled a couple new clones in Season 2."

The official synopsis of the upcoming season alludes to Sarah finding more about her past and the entry of "mysterious newcomers" on the scene.

The new season of "Orphan Black" has added new names to its cast list and they are likely to form the "mysterious newcomers". According to TV Line, Michiel Huisman has been roped in to play the recurring character of Cal Morrison. Michiel's character is an intelligent man, with sixth sense about people and the surroundings. TV Line reports that Cal will need all his wits and humanity as he crosses paths with the clones."

In addition, Peter Outerbridge and Ari Millen are also joining the star-cast of "Orphan Black" for Season 2. TV Line reports that Peter will play the character of Henrik 'Hank' Johanssen. TV Line report describes him as a "mercurial modern-day cowboy." The actor will have a recurring role and will be the leader of a gang of followers that has snapped its relationship with "Prolethean" brotherhood.

Appearing in a multiple-episode arc, Ari will play the character of Mark who is devoted to Johanssen. TV Line describes his character as "a cunning predator with a dark edge."

The new season of "Orphan Black" will premiere sometime in April, 2014. Like the first season, the second season will also consist of ten episodes.