South African Olympic and Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius confers with his legal team during his trial in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, July 3, 2014
South African Olympic and Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius confers with his legal team during his trial in the North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria, July 3, 2014. Pistorius is on trial for murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp at his suburban Pretoria home on Valentine's Day last year. REUTERS

Oscar Pistorius is on trial for killing his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in his home last year and while the trial is ongoing, a psych report has revealed that the Olympic runner is depressed and if not given proper clinical treatment could commit suicide.

Oscar Pistorius is depressed, suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, and at risk of committing suicide, according to a psychology report read at the athlete's murder trial on Wednesday.

Abcnews reported the psych report was written by one of four mental health experts after a month long evaluation on Pistorius. The evaluation was done following claims from the court during the trial that Pistorius' shooting at girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp could have been caused by a generalised anxiety disorder.

"He currently suffers from a post-traumatic stress disorder and a major depressive disorder. The degree of anxiety and depression that is present is significant. He is also mourning the loss of Miss Steenkamp," defense lawyer Barry Roux read in court from the doctor's report.

The psych report advised Oscar Pistorius to continue with his psychiatric care or he could become suicidal.

"Mr. Pistorius is being treated and should continue to receive clinical care by a psychiatrist and a clinical psychologist for his current condition. Should he not receive proper clinical care, his condition is likely to worsen and increase the risk for suicide," the report said.

The psych report concluded that Pistorius does not appear to have a history of abnormal aggression linked to "rage-time murders in intimate relations."

According to CNN's legal expert Kelly Phelps, the conclusions are a "slam-dunk" for the defense.

During the trial, the prosecution claimed Oscar Pistorius and his girlfriend had a fight and he killed her intentionally. However, the psych report seemed to suggest that the athlete's version of events is possible.

According to the report, "When Mr. Pistorius' appraisal of the situation is that he might be physically threatened, a fear response follows that might seem extraordinary when viewed from the perspective of a normal bodied person, but normal in the context of a disabled person with his history."

However, the psych report shouldn't be the determining factor on the verdict. According to CNN, Judge Thokozile Masipa must also question whether the athlete behaved reasonably in the circumstances, since during the trial several witnesses have reportedly testified against Oscar Pistorius, saying that when under threat, he tends to arm himself with danger rather than away from it.

Source:YouTube/Sky News