Oscar Pistorius' Five Year Sentence May Be Cut Short

After South African Judge Thokozile Matilda Masipa gave out the five-year sentence to Paralympics star Oscar Pistorius for being guilty of culpable manslaughter of Reeva Steenkamp, many were wondering if the track star would actually serve the five years in a prison cell. Experts were chiming in that the sentence may be reduced to half or even be commuted to a house arrest.
Pistorius' defence team is claiming that according to South African law, the convicted star is only mandated to serve one-sixth of his sentence in prison and will do the rest of his time in house arrest. After serving half of his time, they are also asserting that their client can apply for a pardon. This should not be the case according to legal experts who chimed in that the arrangement is not automatic and should be first applied with the government.
While the Steenkamp family relayed that they were satisfied with the final decision, there is still no final word if they would appeal the court's sentence. The widely followed trial was the subject of debates in South Africa after issues that whites and prominent personalities might get a different treatment in justice. Judge Masipa tried to strike a balance between handing out justice to the grieving family, sending out a message that the law favours no one and also the shadow of mercy to the disabled such as Pistorius.
"It would be a sad day for this country if an impression was created that there is one law for the poor and disadvantaged and another for the rich and famous," Masipa said according to the New York Times.
The 27-year-old amputee athlete showed little emotion after his sentence was carried out. He was seen holding hands with relatives but during the course of the trial the 27-year old visibly wept and even vomited at times. His family accepted the decision and requested media to let them move on with their lives. His family also revealed that Pistorius is ready to pay back his debts to society. Still wearing a suit and tie, the controversial star was transported via an armoured vehicle to Kgosi Mampuru II prison in Pretoria where he will begin serving his sentence.