'Outlander' season 3: First look at Ardsmuir Prison

A new teaser trailer of “Outlander” season 3 has been released online, giving fans a first look at the fictitious Ardsmuir Prison. There is also a scene of Lord John Grey (David Berry) and Jamie (Sam Heughan) featured in the video.
By now, even those who haven’t read the books by Diana Gabaldon, on which the show is based, know that Jamie will survive the Battle of Culloden, even though he wants to die. He will later be taken to Ardsmuir Prison in Scotland. The new character Lord John Grey is the governor of this prison.
The opening scene of the teaser trailer (see below) shows what Ardsmuir Prison looks like. The massive structure looks imposing from the outside, and it is sure to send chills down the spines of new prisoners. The interiors of this complex are also depressingly dark.
In one of these dark cells, perhaps in the governor’s office, Lord John Grey has a conversation with Jamie. The two appear to have developed a rapport as they talk about Claire (Caitriona Balfe).
Jamie seems to be talking about his wife, or at least thinking about her, all the time. In a previous occasion, he told Lord John Grey that she’s a healer.
In the flash forward, Claire is honing her healing skills further by studying to be a doctor. Like Jamie, she too can’t stop thinking about him. A previous released trailer showed a scene in which she tells her colleague about how the Scottish warrior is always on her mind.
The song playing in the background is “I Found” by Amber Run from the debut album “SAM.” The song is apt for the situation in “Outlander” season 3, where both Jamie and Claire feel they found true love, but it wasn’t supposed to be. That situation will change when the Sassenach goes back in time once more.
This. Is. Everything. Season 3 of #Outlander premieres September 10 on @STARZ. https://t.co/emOTGMHLyr pic.twitter.com/BKUdY8h4PP
— Outlander (@Outlander_STARZ) August 21, 2017
Credit: Outlander/ Twitter