'Outlander' season 3: Why the horseshoe was added in episode 9

For fans of Diana Gabaldon’s book “Voyager,” there was a surprise addition in episode 9 of “Outlander” season 3. In a recent interview, co-executive producer Matthew B. Roberts explained why the horseshoe was added on the ship. The following article contains spoilers from episodes that have already aired.
The horseshoe in Artemis was something the producers added in the series. It was shown as a form of superstition among the crew, who believe it is bad luck not to touch the horseshoe at the start of any voyage.
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Roberts explained that they try to “keep with the story of the book,” but at the same time they wanted to play out Mr. Willoughby’s (Gary Young) story. The superstition surrounding the horseshoe and the consequent fear among the crew were the perfect opportunity for Willoughby to tell his story.
Roberts explained that the change allowed them to show the mentality of the sailors during that period. They were looking for a person who was supposedly bringing them bad luck, but soon they found their good luck charm, Mr. Willoughby.
There was also an easter egg from the past. The bow of the Artemis has a statue of a bare-chested woman, a statue that fans previously saw in the French brothel when Jamie (Sam Heughan) met Young Fergus (Romann Berrux) and Prince Charles Edward Stuart (Andrew Gower).
The production team initially planned to build a new mast for the ship in “Outlander” season 3. However, production designer Gary Steele suggested to use the statue from season 2, which must have saved them time. It was also “fun” to let fans know that there is an easter egg to look out for.