'Outlander' season 3: Young Ian has hero complex

Young Ian (John Bell) may be a new character in “Outlander” season 3, but after recent events, the character’s importance has suddenly increased. In a recent interview, Bell shared his thoughts about his character and his motivations as well. The following article contains spoilers from episodes that have already aired.
It is clear after watching the show that Young Ian seeks adventure and excitement. In an interview with PopSugar, Bell said the other driving force for his character is the need to make his uncle Jamie (Sam Heughan) proud. The actor said his character has a hero complex for his uncle as the Scottish warrior entered the young man’s life at a “very formative time.”
"I think because young Ian didn't grow up with Jamie, but kind of met him when he was about 12, he's always had that really looking-up, puppy-eyed, 'I want to be like you!' [thing]," Bell said. Jamie’s actions, too, have had an effect. The actor joked how his character’s uncle is a “fun uncle” who lets the young man do what he wants and even let him smuggle.
When Young Ian went back to Lallybroch, he felt his independence lost, like he was back under the control of his mother. The actor joked about his character also being under the thumb of his sister, who teased him a little about his punishment.
From this, it is clear why Young Ian volunteered to bring the treasure for his uncle Jamie. Bell did the Print Shop fire scene himself, but left the swimming to a stuntman. The actor joked about how he’d rather let the stunt double get into the cold Scottish water while he does all the “fun stuff.”
As far as the future of Young Ian in “Outlander” season 3 is concerned, Bell said his character is going into a “snake pit.” The young man will have to find a way to survive without the help of his uncle and aunt. The actor promised another side to the naïve young man, adding that fans will find that the wait will be worth it.