A recent press release from Thehomepage.com.au has indicated that 32% of their traffic is via a mobile device.

When it comes to ways house-hunters prefer to view Thehomepage.com.au, our users have well and truly spoken (with their fingers).

Over 32% of visitors to Thehomepage.com.au now use a mobile device to do so. As Dave Platter points out, that figure is only going to rise, and quickly at that. We've seen the graph rise dramatically. See for yourself.

To embrace this trend Thehomepage.com.au has just launched a mobile version of their portal. You can visit Thehomepage.com.au on your iPhone, Android or other mobile device (or check it out here http://m.thehomepage.com.au/ through a normal device) and have a look around.

Here are a few screen shots of the mobile site:

In a previous post I discussed the portals in the Australian real estate industry who currently have mobile version of their site. In my opinion, REA had the best mobile site but I think Thehomepage's mobile site challenges REA for this position. The user experience is much more enjoyable than the other portals. Things like being able to save open times to your calendar, the finger slider for images, property options at the bottom of the screen and the general style of the site. They've done an excellent job and have set the benchmark across the industry.

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