Harry Style's fans are apparently not taking the news that their idol is back in the dating scene too well. Model Paige Reifler has confirmed she is seeing the One Directioner. Now the model is once again the target of internet trolls. One jealous fan even told her to commit suicide. Paige has reportedly threatened police involvement on the matter.

Mirror UK reported the 18-year old beauty has been receiving offensive posts on Twitter regarding her relationship with the "One Direction" singer.

One fan even posted a death threat, demanding to know the truth if the New York model is indeed dating Harry Styles or not.

"Are you dating Harry or not? That's the only thing we want to know and when we don't get answers we kill."

Another jealous fan accused Paige Reifler of being a user, claiming she "used Harry Styles last year."

"Nobody has time for your bulls*** we have enough to deal with," the fan added.

According to Mirror UK, other internet trolls told Paige she is only out to date Harry for money. Other fans reportedly slammed her romance with the singer by telling her to commit suicide.

Apparently, Paige has had enough of the internet trolls, so she brought up the subject of possibly reporting them to the cops.

I hope you all know that giving die threats is a crime, I could report you to the police. The hate can be also reported.

— Paige Reifler (@PaigeeReifler) July 25, 2014

However nationalledger cited a source who claimed the pair's relationship won't "develop into anything serious." Paige is "completely smitten" with Harry said the source. But she reportedly also knows that their busy schedule would get in the way of their relationship.

Despite the threats, Paige also managed to remind herself to not be surrounded by negative energy as evident on her latest Twitter post.

Keep on smiling

— Paige Reifler (@PaigeeReifler) July 28, 2014

As previously reported by IBTimes, Paige Reifler confirmed she's dating Harry Styles again during the launch of the French Connection #NeverMissATrick at the Oxford Street in London.

"Yes, I am seeing him," she said.

The pair reportedly rekindled their romance when they met at a Warner party at Shoreditch House. The following day, Paige was all over the media as reports caught on the rumour that she is back again with Harry.

"The next morning I woke up and I was in all of the newspapers and magazines. I wasn't expecting that, it's not like that in New York," she said.

This isn't the first time that Paige Reifler became the target of internet trolls. When a photo capturing her and Harry in an "intimate" pose was uploaded to Instagram, fans went wild with speculations that they were an item. She reportedly received numerous threats after that which prompted her to delete her Twitter account. However, nothing came out of their rumoured relationship then since their busy schedule reportedly kept them apart.

Now Paige has apparently moved on with a new Twitter account but again welcomed with abusive threats for "confirming" that she is "seeing" Harry Styles again.

Harry Styles, on the other hand, has opted not to comment on Paige's confirmation. Instead, he chose to focus his attention on his fans as evident on his last tweet on July 23.

Thank you to all of you who have supported us. We couldn't ask for better fans, you are absolutely the best ever. We love you so much .xx

— Harry Styles (@Harry_Styles) July 23, 2014

Source:YouTube/Clevver News