Landowners and a housing developer have sent the Queensland government a copy of the deal they have recently signed to develop Palmview.

Sunshine Coast Mayor Bob Abbot said, “What's most important about this is it's way, way back in the very early stages of structure plans - it's made it quite unique... For us, it is a genuine statement on behalf of this community about delivering infrastructure when it's needed.”

According to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council, the agreement is expected to deliver $600 million worth of infrastructure at no cost to ratepayers. Aside from the 8,000 houses for an extra 17,000 people, the deal includes the construction of service road access to the Bruce Highway.

Abbot emphasized, “We've arranged the road network so that they can have access long-term to the highway through this service road.” The mayor also boasted of the considerations made into the deal.

“In general terms, built with all our environmental issues, sustainability issues, that have been generally agreed to across the development industry and the owners, it's a fabulous result for not only the people of Sippy Downs and Palmview, but indeed for the whole of the region, he said.”

About 12.5 percent of the planned dwellings will be set aside for affordable housing.