Fathers will soon be able to watch their newborns 24/7 when industries begin to grant paternity paid leaves with an estimated AU$1180 allowance beginning on January 1, 2013.

However, Families Minister Jenny Macklin said the fathers or partners will abide by the ''use it or lose it'' rule,which means they cannot just cash it in if they would not be able to make use of the leave and really spend time with the newcomer in the family.

In a clarification statement of Minister Macklin, eligible dads are disallowed from using their related leaves from employers nor will they be allowed to sneak back to work in order to be paid to sneak back into work to do paid duties under the pretext of ''keeping in touch'' with their workplace while on leave.

The government plans to approve a law to clarify that the extra two weeks of paid parental leave for dads should be on top of any existing paid parental leave at their workplace in a special announcement on Father'sDay.

The government says about 75 per cent of fathers use their annual leave to be with their newborn, but this period of time is generally perceived to be short.

According to the Productivity Commission, which recommended providing paid leave for dads, this scheme would make a strong statement on the importance of parents taking time out to take care of their children. In addition, it would lighten the financial and emotional pressure on families especially at the time of childbirth.

The AU$1180 payment will be means tested and further assessed. If a working parent earns more than $150,000, then the amount will be cut out. It is equivalent to two weeks on the minimum wage, which is now about $590 a week before tax. This program covers fathers or partners who share the role of caring for a child born or adopted from January 1, 2013.

The government has originally planned to implement paid parental leave in 2012 but the global financial crisis and the devastation wrought by natural disasters prompted tjhe Labour-led government to seek budget savings first. It is seen to cost taxpayers $188 million over five years.

''Australia caught up with the rest of the developed world when the clock ticked over to 2011, with the introduction of Australia's first national paid parental leave scheme. We know that it's not just mum who needs the time to form these important bonds with the new baby, so we are extending the paid parental leave scheme to give fathers and other partners a payment of their own," Macklin told the Sydney Morning Herald.

Ms Macklin is expected to announce details of the national proposed paid parental leave scheme in a consultation paper to be issued on Father's Day. This move is seen to divert from political issues surrounding Julia Gillard, who has firmly stated that she is not about to leave her job.

The paternity leave scheme was introduced sometime in the 1970s. The standard on paternity leave scheme was set by Sweden, where all working parents can take 16 months off per child. Out of the 16 months, at least 2 months must be availed of by the father or the family breadwinner. The cost of this program is shouldered by both the business and the state.