Parliament rally puts spotlight on political parties to come clean
Yesterdays farmers' and environmentalists' rally at Parliament House has put the spotlight on the State Government and the LNP Opposition over their support for dirty industry, according to Queensland Conservation.
"Globally, investment in renewable energy now outstrips investment in fossil fuels," said Toby Hutcheon, Executive Director of QCC
"In Queensland it's the dirty industries that get most of the support and, until this changes, prime agricultural land, groundwater and the environment will continue to be threatened."
Mr Hutcheon said it is time to change the approach and make clean energy, community health and sustainable agriculture the priorities.
According to Queensland Conservation, all the Independent members in the Queensland Parliament support the demands of rally organisers-and these demands are backed by the Greens and only the government and the LNP remain opposed.
"It's time for them both to come clean, and put a halt to industries that pollute the environment and contaminate groundwater," said Hutcheon
In an open letter, rally organisers have called for: a moratorium on coal seam gas development until social and environmental issues are resolved a prohibition on new coal and coal seam gas extraction on cropping lands in proximity to towns and adjacent to areas of high ecological significance, and a ban on underground coal gasification.