Pau Gasol enters the final season of his three-year contract with the Los Angeles Lakers. Gasol joined the Lakers in February 2008 when he was traded for Javaris Crittenton, Kwame Brown and Aaron McKie. He has won his first NBA championship title when the Lakers beat the Orlando Magic in finals of NBA in 2009. In December 2009, Gasol signed a three-year extension with the Lakers worth $64.7 million.

Due to the fact that his contract with Lakers expires soon, Gasol is often asked if he is willing to take a pay cut just to stay with the Lakers.

"Probably not," Gasol said. "I would like to continue to play for the Lakers and maybe even retire from my career here, but you have to explore your options and see the cards on the table," Gasol added.

"If I perform well, I should be reliable and can put up a great season," Gasol told Mark Medina of the LA Daily News. "I am sure the Lakers will be interested in extending my contract even before the season is over, maybe I'll just go from there," Gasol said.

Kobe Bryant has also expressed his feelings about the possible reduction in their salaries and stated that he is also not willing to accept a pay cut. Bryant also said that Gasol will stay with the Lakers as long as he stays.

Lakers may try to offer significant pay cuts for their players whose contracts are about to expire to make the most of their financial flexibility.

"It is believed that the Lakers are on the lookout for a younger point guard who is a more potent scorer, but as everyone who deals in the trade market will tell you, that will not be easy to obtain," state Sam Amico from Fox Sports.

Whether or not Lakers will trade Gasol, you can just forget about this rumour, for now, that is. It is mainly due to the fact that the Lakers aren't looking to add players in the roster. If ever they will, it will not be Gasol as he is out to prove that he can get his act back up, when he was known as the best big man in the NBA.