Paul Walker's death has been marred by another controversy. The new reports suggest that Walker's name is being used in a malware, which has hit email accounts of users of worldwide. The bug comes in a form a mail and asks the users for assistance in finding a Dodge Viper GT, which was reportedly racing with Paul's Porsche GT Carrera on the day of his death.

According to, the bug infested email asks that if anyone has any information regarding the driver if Viper GT's driver, please call on the number given in the email. The email further states that the person who gives any information regarding the Viper GT will be compensated or awarded.

Reportedly, this digital spam is of alarming nature as it is tailored to attack specific systems and even subject lines and body text of the email keeps on changing so that it passes through all the spam and malware filters.

The emails are sourced from hacked or compromised accounts and are being sent to all the contacts in the address book and inboxes of hacked accounts.

ITportal stated security firm Symantec that, "Once the malicious file has been executed an error notification is sent indicating that a 32-bit or 64-bit computer is needed to run the file."

The error may also tell the user that they don't have the permission to run the file. Still the malware keeps on working and Trojan does a DNS query return and thus your system is hacked.

Paul Walker's fans are really upset that such malwares and viruses are being used in his name. Paul Walker's death was a tragic incident and it has left his family and friends in shock. Paul Walker and his fellow business partner Rogar Rodas died in a car crash in Los Angeles. The duo was driving a Posrche Carrera GT, which burst into flames after hitting an electric pole.

For those who want to stay safe from this spam here are few things to keep in mind:

Never open mails from unsolicited sources

Always clean your inbox and spam mailbox from time to time

Don't believe in mails which asks for pleas and donation are they are a hoax.