In spite of the recent rumors doing the rounds that Late Paul Walker faked his own death, the official records suggest that Paul died under horrific circumstances.

According to some controversial theories Paul Walker is still alive and his family was laughing when the news of his death became rampant. The website called claimed,

"It has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt, here, that the accident is a fabrication and that there wasn't any real car crash. Rather, what is seen is imagery of a man-made car fire and a car pre-placed in position to be incinerated: without either Walker or Rodas inside."

The website further claimed that Walker was spotted in Miami and even released photos of Paul Walker's family laughing at the scene of fabrication.

The Inquisitor also revealed other Paul Walker conspiracy theories claimed the connection of his death with drug lords, the Illuminati, and Brian the dog from Family Guy.

The official reports of Walker's death say, "Walker did not die by the impact of the crash, and is believed to have been alive for a few seconds. It's said that ultimately the fire caused by the impact was the cause of death. In the case of Rodas, 38, the driver died on impact from severe injuries, and fire was not listed as a factor in his death."

Walker's body has been cremated at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park. Declaring such rumors as fake the LA Country Coroner office even revealed dental records of Paul Walker and Roget Rodas, which confirmed that the death was not faked.

Paul Walker's brother Cody Walker was highly disappointed by the media, which used his brother's death as a weapon of publicity.

After the fake death rumor was declared, Cody wrote on his Facebook page, "So disrespectful. This media is so cruel. Please let my brother Rest In Peace."