Paul Walker's untimely demise has really affected his 15-year-old teenage daughter, Meadow Walker. Amidst the funeral preparations of her dad, Meadow was spotted coming out of their Santa Barbra California home wearing Walker's hat. It was a quite a sad sight to watch Meadow Walker walk out of her home with her dad's memorabilia. She looked weak, fragile and completely devastated.

Meadow has been leaning for support on her mom and family since the untimely demise of the "Fast And Furious" actor. According to an eyewitness' statement to, "Meadow has been leaning on her mother, Rebecca McBrain, for support, she is sad and has gone pale. Visitors have been coming by to pay their respects, and at one point [Paul's] house keeper arrived alone and took a moment to grieve outside the house and then cleaned up the front yard."

Another source told E!, "Friends have flown in to be with her. She is in okay spirits and dealing with it the best she can for a 15-year-old. Everyone is taking it hard, but there has been a large outpouring of love and support for the family."

Paul Walker will be cremated in the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in the Hollywood Hills in California. Along with his family and friends, his "Fast And Furious" cast will also be there to pay their homage.

Before the tragic accident, Walker was in the best of his spirits. He was happy that he got to live with his daughter Meadow Walker full time. Meadow meant everything to Paul and reportedly he was even planning to leave Hollywood to make up for the lost time with Meadow Walker.

"He was happier than you can imagine to have her living with him full-time," says a source to, adding, "She was the love of his life, he was an amazing dad and he was so happy that she chose to live with him because he never felt like he got enough time with her."

We hope that soon Meadow finds her peace and gets use to live without Paul. Our thoughts lie with Paul's family and friends.