"Lightning Bolt" is an intrinsic blend of a variety of sounds as a whole and gives a clear idea that Pearl Jam make their own rules and often twist them to give the fans something different.

New music coming from Pearl Jam is always good and being in the business for more than two decades, they now their creative depths and what they are capable of. Front man Eddie Vedder is dreamlike in the album with his commanding vocals.

The new album, "Lightning Bolt," is not as anthemic as "Yield" or "Vs" but will take you down the memory lane.

With time we have accepted the fact that Pearl Jam can never give us that classic 90s magic again. But, if they can play live, churn out good albums like "Lightning Bolt," we are more than happy. Pearl Jam have been in the scene for more than two decades and with this tenth album "Lightning Bolt" they have not disappointed us at all.

Pearl Jam have always been pleasing even if they get a little less exciting. "Mind Your Manners" has a punkish touch all over the track with a furious rush here in there especially in Vedder's vocals.

Vedder is intense as always and sounds tight with the unit. "Getaway" is the lead track from the new album and is a great opening track for Pearl Jam's next concert.

"Pendulum" paints a weird picture with subtle vocals by Vedder and gentle arrangements by the band; it is a fragile number with Vedder striking a chord with the listener.

"Let The Records Play" is the song that makes you feel like you are listening to Pearl Jam for the first time. It is infused with rawness of the early era of Pearl Jam.

"Yellow Moon" is a delightful piece with beautiful guitar solos, certainly, mellows things down for you.

The album closes with a beautiful amalgamation of violin, guitar and piano in "Future Days" and is surely a fitting piece to end the album "Lightning Bolt."

Final Thoughts on "Lightning Bolt"

If we do not compare it with the classic records by Pearl Jam, "Lightning Bolt" is a good album by a band that has been grunging us off for a long time.

Favourite tracks: "Mind Your Manners," "Pendulum," "Getaway," and "Yellow Moon."

Rating: 3/5

Genre: Rock, Grunge

Buy the album, here.