Javier Bardem and Penelope Cruz
Women and Home wrote on their website that Penelope Cruz was a fan of Elizabeth Arden's Eight Hour Cream. REUTERS/YVES HERMAN

Penelope Cruz and husband Javier Bardem, along with director Pedro Almodavar put their signatures on a letter (written in Spanish) openly criticizing the Israeli occupation army in the Gaza strip for the "genocide" that it is perpetrating against Palestinian civilians. This, along with the comments made by stars such as Selena Gomez, John Stewart and the like on the issue, was met with backslash. Penelope Cruz was quick to clarify her letter, even though she stood by her point.

A growing number of celebrities are openly expressing outrage by Israel's assault on Gaza. Many had to retract and clarify their statements afterwards because of the criticisms they received for "choosing" a side on the polarizing and political issue. Penelope Cruz is the latest celebrity to join in the fray. However, her method was unconventional. Instead of just issuing a statement or tweeting a sentiment against the atrocities, Penelope and her husband, along with director Pedro Almodovar all gave their signatures to a lengthy and harsh letter to express their condemnation.

Because of the criticisms the letter received, Penelope feels hard pressed to explain her side one day after the letter went live, Deadline reports. Penelope claims that her comments were hardly influenced or shaped by politics. Rather, the letter was penned out of humanitarian concerns. This goes without saying that Penelope is not picking a side at all, but would want the war to end because too many people, especially innocent kids are losing their lives.

"I don't want to be misunderstood on this important subject. I'm not an expert on the situation, and I'm aware of the complexity of it. My only wish and intention in signing that group letter is the hope that there will be peace in both Israel and Gaza. I am hopeful all parties can agree to a cease fire and there are no more innocent victims on either side of the border. I wish for unity, and peace. ... I believe in a civilization that can be capable of bringing the courage to have a world where humans can live side by side," said Penelope as reported by Deadline.com.

Printed by Europa Press as well as other Spanish news outlets, the letter accused of Israel of being a terrorist state, Belfast Telegraph UK reports. The letter also called for an "immediate ceasefire" and urged Israel to "life the blockade" imposed on the Gaza Strip for more than decade already. This is enough to drive pro-Israel camps into frenzy, criticizing pro-Palestinians as well as celebrities in general, who "chose a side" as woefully ignorant people.