Based on a true story of a Kiwi surfer, "The Perfect Wave" features a 24-year old Ian McCormack who leads a mundane life in Christchurch, New Zealand and sets off to find the elusive perfect wave. Scott Eastwood will be playing Ian McCormack, a surfer who came to faith when he found the spiritual side of chasing the waves and riding them.

Adrenaline- packed and full of adventure, "The Perfect Wave" takes you to these 5 surfing destinations that will make you want to surf and ride that perfect wave.

New Zealand

Surfing in NZ.

Beach, reef, point and river-mouth breaks are just one of the few reasons why New Zealand is a top surfing destination in the world. The feast of great waves can be found in various surfing destinations in North Island and South Island. North Island's Raglan is where the epic left-hand point break can be found, while in the South Island there is Kaikoura and Dunedin where you can surely satisfy your wave hunger.


Surfing in Indonesia.

There is only one place in Indonesia that offers a combination of great party, perfect wave and spirituality; and that is in the small island of Bali. There are many reasons why this place is a surfing haven, but the most important is warm water and uncrowded breaks. Kuta Beach and Dreamland offers the country's perfect beach and reef breaks where surfers around the globe flock every year.

Sri Lanka

The great wave

100 kilometers south from the country's capital Colombo, Hikkaduwa is Sri Lanka's most famed surfing spot that offers incredible waves between November and April. Hikkaduwa's coastline offers a good range of 3-6 feet waves, both left and right-handed breaks. The consistent swell during the surfing season is what attracst surfers to frolic in its sun and enjoy its waves.

South Africa

Surfing in South Africa.

Life is indeed a swell if you are in the country full of consistent waves and unlimited fun. The South African coastline offers a variety of spiral beaches that features tough and dangerous breaks. Cape Town in Cape Peninsula is the place to be as it provides 365 days a year ride and pretty much 360 degrees of breaks. Eland's Bay, Long Beach, Stil Bay and Muizenberg are places worthy to check out for radical waves.


The Perfect Wave

Famed for its peach-tinged coastline and crystalline water, Mauritius is like heaven on earth for most globe trekkers and island surfers. Tamarin Bay, the island's marquee spot is the place where you can find a world-class wave, the perfect wave indeed! Most surfers who came to this place don't have the chance to ride it due to its inconsistency, but once you catch that perfect wave all the hard work and waiting is all worth it. The country's west and south coasts offers an amazing shapely surfing sports that are more consistent than Tamarin bay.