Based on a true story, "The Perfect Wave" is a heart-warming, coming of age film of a 24-year old Kiwi surfer who leads a mundane life in Christchurch, New Zealand. The film brings to life the incredible journey of Ian McCormack (played by Scott Eastwood) as he travels the world's amazing surfing destinations as he looks for the spiritual side of chasing waves and riding them.

Beyond the next wave and the next party, Ian was looking for something bigger and was yearning for more in life. Just like any young people, Ian is restless and want to find out what life can offer beyond his comfort zone and see what kind of surprises it will provide.

So he asked for his parents blessing and support, but his mother had a bad feeling about it that refuses to give him her blessing and tearfully sends him away asking him to turn to God when he's in trouble.

The movie follows the life of two young riders who embarks on a surfing journey to fulfill their dream of riding the perfect wave in the world's different surfing locations. Following the call of wild adventure, the two started their journey in the outbacks of Australia and found themselves in a radical cultural shift in Bali, Indonesia.

And just like any traveller who comes in Bali, Ian fell in love with a beautiful Dutch girl, Anneke. Ian left his friends and run off to the sunset with Anneke as she follows his path leading to the perfect wave.

The couple's next stop is the beautiful coastline of South Africa where Ian confuses Anneka's free spirit with betrayal. She left him after Ian accuses her of unfaithfullness and head to Mauritius. He then follows her to the island paradise famous for its legendary ourter reef , but he discovers that she is gone when he arrived.

Now, all alone he found himself in a communal beach paradise that offers incredible waves, peace and fulfillment. But as he waits for his perfect wave Ian had an accident that made him question his faith.

The movie premiered in the summer of 2013 and is directed by Bruce Macdonald. The cast includes Rosy Hodge, Cheryl Ladd, Ranchel Hendrix, Paddy Lister, JacK Halloran, Scott Mortensen, Matt Bromley and Nikolai Mynhardt.