With the huge income technology giants Apple and Facebook generate, the two companies will soon offer housing facilities to their thousands of employees on top of high pay and other perks.

Source: idownloading.com

Apple aims to complete construction of its spaceship-designed campus in Cupertino, California by the middle of 2016. The tech giant has not broken ground yet and is in the final process to secure the city's approval of its plan.

As part of the process, Apple sought the support of its future neighbours by asking them to support the project, featuring a circular design. Apple sent copies of its brochure to the Cupertino residents providing more information about the complex that will also serve as the residence of 13,000 Apple workers.

Source: idownloading.com

The City Council of Cupertino is slated to vote on the project on Oct 15, Tuesday. A second vote in November will follow if the first vote results in a green signal light.

Facebook is also building a $120-million housing complex that would feature flowering canopy trees, a backyard recreation area with a pool, spa and bocce-ball court, dog park, bike parking, entertainment courtyard with synthetic turf and a 6-foot tall perimeter wall.

But unlike Apple's housing designed to house 13,000 employees, Facebook's upcoming Anton Menlo complex which is within walking distance of its campus, could only provide for 10 per cent of its staff since it has only 394 units. Fifteen of the units would be subsidised for low-income housing.

Among the other perks of Facebook workers are laundry service, photo processing and leather repair.