Another racist attack on train was caught on camera in Perth, just a month after a Sydney local made national news for verbally abusing an Asian woman.

The video, submitted to 9News by a fellow passenger named Robert, sees an Aboriginal woman who hurled obscenities to a passive Asian woman on Friday afternoon.

According to Robert, the attack was unprovoked. The attacker was asleep on one of the seats, but woke up when the train neared McIver station. That’s when she saw her victim.

“The Asian lady just stood by the door, didn’t say anything and just basically took all that abuse from the other lady for no reason at all,” the witness told the news site.

The attacker racially abused her victim, taunting her with offensive remarks.

“You Chinese f-------- whore!” the unknown woman shouted in front of the other passengers. “That’s why you got them boots on you slut.

“You Chinese ----. Go sell your ----!”

The witness continued, “At one stage she got really close to [the victim’s] face screaming obscenities at her.

“You see it on TV, but I’ve never really seen it live before, so everybody on the train was pretty much stunned.”

Police have yet to receive a complaint about the incident.

Late in June, a woman on a Sydney train went on a racist tirade against an Asian passenger. The attacker first claimed her name was Sue Wilkins, though it was later revealed to be Karen Bailey.

Read: Sue Wilkins, Woman Filmed Making Racist Rants at Train Passenger, Called Children ‘F- Bogans’

Bailey was filmed mocking the Asian woman’s accent and pulling her eyes to imitate her victim’s eye shape. She also called her the offensive term “gook,” which refers to a foreigner of Asian origins.

She was charged with offensive conduct.