PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) wants to occupy the evil Amityville murder house.

The animal rights group is interested in leasing Amityville on Long Island, which will be converted to an exhibit that would scare people off meat and dairy products.

PETA said in a statement released last Friday that it wanted to make the house a temporary "slaughterhouse of horrors", the New York Daily News reported.

The group already sent a letter to the current owner of the house in Long Island, New York, making the request and said it could possibly attract more potential buyers to the Dutch Colonial, which is on the market for US $1.5 million ($1.77 million).

Instead of the usual ghosts and evil spirits lurking in the house, the group wanted "the horrors" to be similar with animals' experiences: being raised and killed for meat, milk, and eggs, and enduring on factory farms and in slaughterhouses, like intensive confinement, filthy conditions, mutilations and neglect.

"The supernatural haunting that some people believe occurred in this building is legendary, but many people don't realise that if they are eating meat, eggs, and dairy products, they are getting their food from real-life horror houses - factory farms and slaughterhouses," the letter said.

"In our horror house, the sound of slaughterhouse blades whirring while animals scream for their lives would play over loudspeakers. Visitors would be able to see animatronic hens struggling for space inside tiny battery cages and lifelike "fish" gasping for air as they slowly suffocate on the deck of a fishing boat."

Visitors would be allowed to touch actual instruments used in the food industry, like banding irons that put third-degree burns on cows and electrified prods used in forcing animals to walk to their deaths at slaughterhouses.

Tracy Reiman, executive vice president of PETA, said that the group wishes that the fame of Amityville would help publicise its battle against animal cruelty.

"While some question the authenticity of The Amityville Horror, factory farms and slaughterhouses are all-too-real houses of horror," she said.

"Witnessing the cruelty that is inflicted on farmed animals could haunt visitors for life, so we'll also make sure that they know how to help stop these abuses by simply choosing humane and healthy vegan foods."