Peter Capaldi discovered next ‘Doctor Who’ is female while trying on trousers

Peter Capaldi found out that the next “Doctor Who” titular star was a female when he was trying on a pair of trousers. The departing Twelfth Doctor revealed he got a hunch about his successor’s gender days even before he was supposed to know.
At the New York Comic Con on Friday, the 59-year-old Scottish actor said he accidentally learnt of the big surprise ahead of time while at his favourite clothing shop in London. The shop is also where his character’s costumes are from.
“And they said, ‘We just got a call,’ they said, ‘from the Doctor Who office, saying, “Can we have a pair of [Capaldi’s] trousers, but with a waist size thirty?”’” he told the audience. “And I thought, ‘I’m finished, I don’t need any more trousers!’ – because Doctor Who wears Paul Smith trousers, for the fashionistas among you – so they were obviously looking for a pair of trousers for the new Doctor Who to wear. And I thought, ‘Well, that can’t really be a man with a 30-inch waist. That must be a lady then!’”
That lady was Jodie Whittaker, who was revealed to be the Thirteenth Doctor in July. She moved to Cardiff, where the show is filmed, in a place close to Capaldi’s. However, she was forced to avoid him at first to keep the identity of his successor a secret even from him. Capaldi was confirmed of his hunch only a few days before Whittaker’s announcement.
Whittaker, 35, is the first female Doctor in the show’s history. She is expected to wear Capaldi’s clothes just once when Twelve regenerates into Thirteen. And then she would have to find her own signature costume.
Capaldi’s last appearance as the Doctor will be in the Christmas Special. Twelve will need help from One (guest star David Bradley) to come to terms with his regeneration. According to outgoing showrunner Steven Moffat, Twelve and One are both refusing to regenerate, so they need each other to accept that they will have to give up their current bodies for their next incarnation.
“Doctor Who” Christmas Special will air Dec. 25 on the BBC in the UK, Dec. 26 on the ABC in Australia. Pearl Mackie, who plays companion Bill Potts, will guest star.