The hate on Amy’s Baking Company continues to intensify. A petition has been filed on, asking Scottsdale, Arizona Mayor W.J. Jim Lane to revoke owners Amy and Samy Bouzaglo’s license to operate their restaurant.

Phil Potter of Humble, Texas has submitted the petition on the Web site, saying that the Bouzaglos are not only inefficient at their business, they are also corrupt.

The appeal stated four reasons why it’s “obvious that this establishment needs to be forced to close,” all of which were taken from the husband-and-wife team’s disastrous appearance on the U.S. Fox reality show “Kitchen Nightmares” on May 10.

The first reason the petitioner cited was an incident when Samy “physically & verbally assaulted” a customer who complained about the long wait on his food.

Potter said that the ABC restaurant owners are guilty of violating both Arizona and Federal law because they admitted on camera that they take the tips their wait staff received from customers.

The third reason for the petition is the quick turnover of employees in the restaurant. Celebrity chef and “Kitchen Nightmares” host Gordon Ramsay interviewed two former employees of the establishment on camera, and they claimed that there had been a turnover of 50 employees within a year. In the episode, Samy later admitted that there had been a hundred employees that had come and gone from their employ.

Potter’s last reason for his petition seemed trivial and subjective, however. He said that Ramsay had established that the food served in the restaurant “did not look nor did it taste good according to his palate.” Ramsay wasn’t also able to help the Bouzaglos because they were not willing to listen and accept constructive criticism.

“Therefore, we the people of america [sic] who witnessed this atrocity, ask Mayor W.J. ‘Jim’ Lane & the members of the City Council of the City of Scottsdale Arizona to revoke the business license of Amy’s Baking Company & force it’s [sic] closure,” Potter wrote.

As of June 3, his petition is seeking 500 signatures. So far, it already has 413.

Meanwhile, reported that Amy and Samy are in talks to star in their own reality show. Perhaps thinking that they are already hated and there’s little that they can do about it, they might as well capitalise on their notoriety.

They are allegedly entertaining offers from several production companies, with Cineflex being the most serious one trying to secure the deal. They want to see all offers on the table first, though, before they sign with a producer.

“Right now Cineflex is the most serious production company trying to secure Amy and Samy. They want to develop a show around their restaurant and their bad behaviour,” according to source.

“Amy and Samy are all for it because they feel like it’s the only way to keep their restaurant open.”

Watch the couple on Kitchen Nightmares here: