‘Pokemon GO’ Adventure Week: Evolution items, biggest bonus Tyranitar, Rhyhorn, Rhydon and more

Many are considering the “Pokemon GO” Adventure Week as the most valuable event the game has ever had. The Adventure Week is a rock-type based event that aims to fulfil Niantic’s quota of one major event every month. The event is not centred on any particular holiday.
The previous event was also in May, the grass-type event. But this one is bigger and longer even. It started yesterday and will continue till May 25. Players still loyal to the game must ensure they participate in this event as this could become the most important of all time. They will profit a lot from this event due to the best bonus in the game, half a dozen valuable rock types and extra evolution items, if they get lucky. The event will allow users to get more items from PokeStops.
These could just be regular potions or more Evolution Items. If the latter turns out to be true, it would definitely be the most valuable component of the game, writes Forbes. The Evolution Items are extremely rare, and it would be fun to have them via this event. Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar is Gen 2’s equivalent of Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite tree. They will definitely spawn more during the event. With enough of right spawns, players may be able to evolve a great Tyranitar, which is a gym heavy-hitter.
Rhyhorn and Rhydon will also be spawning in this rock-based event. They are a favourite pick for trainers who want gym powerhouses. Rhydon is currently one of the highest CP Pokemon in the game. Trainers should use this event to their advantage to build up a strong one. After playing the game for months, numerous players still have not chanced upon an Aerodactyl, even though they may have caught other ultra-rare Pokemon such as Lickitung and Chansey. Players will also get a shot at acquiring Omastar and Kabutops if they find enough of Omanyte and Kabuto.
The two used to spawn only in 10 km eggs though recently they moved. They are also hardly seen in the wild. Finally, many believe that the Adventure Week has the single biggest bonus the game has to offer. “Pokemon GO” players will be able to walk their Buddy Pokemon and get Candy four times faster. The Buddy Distance will come down to 0.25 for one kilometre, 0.75 for three and 1.25 for five kilometres. Double still relies on random spawns and hatches. Hence, the Buddy Distance reduction could prove to be more valuable.