‘Pokemon Go’ Buddy System: Android and iOS users still haven’t received their Pokemon Buddy update

“Pokemon Go” announced its new Buddy System update on Saturday, but more than two full days later, the promised Pokemon companion still has not arrived yet. Some Android and Apple users have not received their Pokemon Buddy, making players wonder if game developer Niantic would release the update any time soon.
According to reports, the update is rolling out in stages in Android. For Apple users, however, it was still waiting for the tech giant’s approval. As of the time of writing, Pokemon Go players using iOS devices have yet to receive their Buddy System update.
While it’s expected that Android users will receive their Pokemon Buddy earlier than Android users, many players are still waiting for their update. According to Forbes, those who have been able to play with the new update received theirs via APK.
As the publication notes, the delay may have something to do with Niantic’s controversial removal of support for rooted and jailbroken devices. Perhaps Niantic is reconsidering its move following the backlash from the gaming community.
Niantic recently announced that it was eliminating bots and scrapers from Pokemon Go in a bid to prevent players cheating. As part of the initiative, it is withdrawing support for rooted or jailbroken devices. However, many jailbroken or rooted device users thought that they were being unfairly punished by Niantic
Read more: ‘Pokemon Go’ 0.37, 1.7 update new bug & candy rewards chart discovered
Meanwhile, Apple users can still designate a Pokemon Buddy in their iOS app with the help of an Android device.
According to Heavy.com, Apple device users may designate a Pokemon by logging into their Pokemon Go account in an Android phone that has already received the update. After they have picked their Pokemon Buddy, they can log off from the Android device then log back into their iOS device. Even though their phones have not received the update yet, the app will still track how far they have walked with their buddy using their iOS device.